The world of the 21st century has brought many new technological innovations into our lives. The rapid acceleration of change is enabling faster change and progress. The exponential rise of technological innovations has given birth to some of the most shocking technology trends.

What does this mean to you? Well, it means staying updated with the current technological innovations. Additionally, it means keeping your eyes open on the future to know which new innovations will peek into our lives. Thus, we will be constantly learning, unlearning and relearning.

In this article below, is the list of the top 10 newest and hottest technological innovations of this year. The list is far from exhaustive and is in no particular order.

1. Breakout moment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a staple in our lives. The emergence of Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri has created a lot of buzz in the last few years. Moreover, AI has received massive global spending from companies. According to Forbes, 80% of enterprises will financially invest in AI systems. AI has been spreading its wings across different sectors. As a result, it has a notable effect on how we live, work and lead our lives. Also, it has gained recognition for its voice and image recognition, maps and navigation, smartphone personal assistance, car-ride apps and so much more. Surveys and researches have shown that AI has great potential in the next coming years.

2. Deployment of Internet The one thing that has not been able to escape from each of our lives is - Internet. As we move forward, we expect faster and faster internet connections. As a result, it has driven a force of technological innovation lately. Not only individuals but also the business and enterprises are demanding high-speed internet at their offices. It has facilitated the internet business to bloom and flourish. 5G - the lightning internet speed is around the corner. It is said that 5G connections will bring a transformative change in our everyday lives. Also, the number of internet-connected devices will reach a high scale. If the 5G connections are successfully introduced in our day-to-day life activities, then it will be responsible for increasing the efficacy of workers. Further, it will establish reliable communication devices that will enable individuals to connect from distant places.

3. Increased demand for Smart Tech The advances in the technological front have peeked into our lives - even our homes. In today’s date, the possession of smart home appliances and home entertainment devices is considered trendy. These intelligent devices have totally changed the definition of socializing. Sidelining the positives and negatives, these smart technology appliances are just a glimpse of what’s coming next. The trend of setting up smart homes is a way to control our homes as we wish to. We have an urge to manage the technology in our homes. The one area that has caught our attention is the flexible viewing surfaces. These constant adaptions of new technology will completely change the environment in our homes. The entertainment and advertising space will take a new turn.

4. Dexterous robots will be our friends Robots and computers are rigid and dumb. They can only work within the boundaries they work. If they are instructed outside their programming, their pre programmed process will come to standstill. This is where improving the dexterous robots will offer incredible flexibility. Dexterous robots will grasp their functions quickly and swiftly and perform with accuracy over and over again. The best part is that they will never get exhausted, move the product half an inch or supplant it with something marginally unique, and the machine will fumble or paw at thin air. The scientists and developers will be able to program the robots to grasp some things just by ‘looking’ at it, however, today they are trying to make the robots clutch things with their ‘fingers’.

5. Brain-computer interference is the new fad Elon Musk’s Neuralink will prove to be the hottest innovation in the future. This innovation will make the laptops, keyboards and mouses disappear in thin air. A little more work in this spectrum will make our laptops function just with our thinking. Will this be a revolutionary change of the 21st century or will make you a couch potato.

6. Cancer vaccines will be the new buzz It is the time when personalized vaccines and medicines will be readily available to everyone. This has been possible because of the advancements in the Human Genome Project. One of the best and greatest advantages of this scientific revolution is the innovation of customised cancer vaccines for patients. Moreover, the doctors will now be able to train our human immune system to fight against cancerous growth. Whenever the human body will recognize bacterial infections, it will distinguish it and destroy it immediately. This could make cancerous growth a relic of past times whenever it is accomplished.

7. Be Vegan, be Human Meat has been an integral part of our meals. From providing nutritional value to happiness, meat lovers just can't live without it. But what's sad is that all that comes with the price of an animal life. For every non vegetarian meal, an animal needs to stop breathing. Pretty harsh? Absolutely! To save the lives of those innocent animals, developments are beginning to make 3D printed or plant-based, alternatives that provide the same nutritional value as proper meat. Also, these supplements will reduce the appetite for non vegetarian items.

8. No more sewers and litter India is full of sewers alongside the road. The litter spread numerous diseases in the community. So, to end the problem, 'eco-friendly' toilets are being developed. These toilets will not be connected to drainage systems and will be capable of treating the waste on the spot. This technology innovation is not only helpful for the cities to eliminate diseases but will also bring the much needed sanitation and hygiene in the country. To support this innovation, Philanthropist Bill Gates is organizing a competition called "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge" to find suitable, viable prototypes for this. Many submissions are promising and once established, self waste metabolizing systems will benefit mankind and the environment for the better.

9. Make way for Generative Adversarial Networks In future, GANs or Generative Adversarial Networks will prove to be the latest neural developments. It was invented by Ian Goodfellow to solve a problem by setting up two neural networks against each other. In a starting position and to find a solution, the two networks battle it out in a usually non-zero sum game. It is described as "the coolest idea in machine learning in the last twenty years". This technology can be helpful in generating artificial images, modeling things, improving computer games and many more.

10. Quantum Computing is the new normal One of the most growing innovations is Quantum Computing. It has grabbed the attention of analysts, businesses, and governments. Today, the race toward the first entirely useful, fully-functioning quantum computer (additionally called supercomputer) is on. Unlike the on-premise machines, quantum PCs will be a cloud service with excellent computational power. IBM now offers Cloud-based quantum computing services. The ability to achieve supercomputer supremacy will intensify in 2020.

“Happy Innovation !!”

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