Advantages of Studying Abroad

Every student in his life comes to the crossroads where he has many paths ahead of him and he is not able to make up his mind which path to choose. These paths include figuring out their interests, choosing subjects to study in the future, whether to study in one's own country or apply to study abroad? And if one decides to choose the latter option then another debate pops up whether to opt for abroad for a bachelorette degree or for higher studies? What could be the right time to apply for education abroad? And what about the finances and many more queries that play a very crucial step in determining one's career prospects. Well, worry not we are here for your aid! And will help you to solve all these queries!!

It won't be wrong to say that the era which we are going through is the era of competitiveness. Cutthroat competition is inevitable everywhere from education to securing a good job and to survive. What you need is a lot of skills that not only restricts you to one field but makes you dynamic; studying abroad is the best way to acquire that skill set that prepares you to face up to anything and excel in it.

Studying abroad helps peers to expand their horizons and does away with the conventional thinking and practice of education just for the sake of earning good in the future and doing what others do. It helps students to keep alive their passion along with learning what's important and gives them the opportunity to explore their interests with recreation as it offers various programs that allow students to choose from a wide range of subjects. Let's say for instance you want to do your majors in physics but you have a special place in your heart for literature and you want to study that as well; well, institutions abroad have now made it possible to study whatever you like without the fear of losing on future prospects and opportunities.

You can choose to study abroad whenever you feel the time is right for you and it's totally upon your discretion but to exploit the best out of it the earlier it is, the more benefits it will yield.

When one leaves home and goes to some other country to study, to live on his own he gets to know about his various other sides which were hidden before. Compared to the time when one gets cranky on just attending college/ school and taking aid of various luxuries and comfort of home provided by their parents to studying abroad, attending college, maintaining one's home and juggling between various part-time jobs to meet all the expenses; one amuses himself! Studying abroad not only teaches the meaning of independence in real terms but also fills one with contentment, self-confidence, and self-esteem for oneself.

Getting the opportunity to learn a new language is one of the many other advantages of studying abroad. According to studies the best way to learn a new language is to completely immerse in it and there can be nothing better when people around you interact in that language and you understand its significance in their culture. Yes, it will be a bit difficult in the beginning but you won't even realize how quickly you will be able to grasp it and it will become your second nature.

Foreign education is the ladder that will lead you to quality education. As we know the institutions that provide quality education in India are just limited to some IITs and IIMs and you have to go through a series of rigorous tests and interviews to get admission in them. And after so much hard work only 5 percent appearing in these tests get into these prestigious institutes. On the other hand, there is an easy way that saves you from this stress and that is the way of foreign education. It doesn't require you to go through a series of mind-boggling exams and interviews. It just requires you to fulfill certain criteria as decided by different universities and then you can get admission into the institution that you desire! As a result, you become more worthy of employment because of the dynamic skills and quality education as these are the skills any company would look for in its employees.

Studying abroad not only gives you a global perspective but also gives you a chance to experience it in real terms. When you live with the people of another country you start to understand them, understand their culture, their foundations which help lift you from conventional thinking and broaden your horizons. It is the best way of learning with merriment. On a weekend u can step out of your campus life and go to the famous tourist spots with your friends or alone and explore the new you with scenic beauty accompanying you, as a tourist. In short, it serves the dual purpose of education with tourism.

After apprehending what studying abroad has to offer, let's finally address the elephant in the room that is the cost of this kind of education. Considering the fee of the institution itself altogether with living and traveling expenses; honestly, it's not a cheap option and many of us can't even afford it; but this option has become so popular that the finance problem is no more that big of a problem. Many institutions provide scholarships to such students and various student loans are also available for such students who can pay it in later stages of their life when they are employed.

Gone are the days when the standards of education were set by some handful of institutes because foreign education has now come for your aid. If we go by data, 750,000 Indian students are studying abroad which makes it second in the world after China (as per the data collected by MEA,2018) which proves that it is a good emerging option for peers to get their dream education. So don't be disheartened if you fail to get into those handfuls of institutions because there are numerous other opportunities waiting for you ahead in the future and choose wisely.

“Happy studying!!”

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